*DE CASTLE MAX* provides a serenading Beach View experience it also comprises of beautifully crafted duplexes, terraces and an Affordable luxury Empire designed mainly for kings and queens who value magnificent homes.
*DE CASTLE MAX* is offered in Classical and pristine Finishing ranging from Terraces to Semi-Detached and Fully-Detached Duplexes.
*DE CASTLE MAX* is a serviced Estate which offers 24/7 security system, Dedicated Transformer and Generator, Swimming pool and Gym, Interlocked roads, CCTV Cameras and an overwhelming aura of comfort.
*Location:* Orchid road, Lafiaji, directly opposite Cooplag Gardens Estate, Lekki Lagos.
*Title:* Consent
Outright Payment (0-2months)
4 Bedroom Terraces Castle Duplex + BQ
Initial Deposit :#40,000,000
4 Bedroom Semi-Detached Castle Duplex + BQ
Initial Deposit:- #40,000,000
4 Bedroom Fully-Detached Castle Duplex + BQ
Initial Deposit:- #40,000,000
*Installmental Payment* *Plans Available.*
*This Estate is offering sites and services which includes:*
– Perimeter fence
– Good drainage system
– Interlocked roads
– Waste disposal facilities
– Swimming Pool and Gym
– Dedicated Transformers and Central Generator
– Water Hydrant
– Streetlights
– CCTV Cameras
– Recreational facility.
– Car parks
-Cooplag Estate
-Ocean Bay Estate,
-Chevron Corporative Estate
-Lekki conservation Centre
-Lekki Miami Beach
-Orchid Hotel
-Victoria crest Estate
-Mega 1 shopping mall & Cinema
-Lake View Estate
*DE-CASTLE MAX: Affordable Luxury Redefined*✍🏻*
For Assistance Call/DM +23409060616773
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